Gitte, you are sooooo brave – you open your own business!
Gitte, you are sooooo brave – you open your own business!

Gitte, you are sooooo brave – you open your own business!

This was no. 1 reaction, when I resigned from my fantastic job at ISS A/S working for Jacob and Kasper. But something changed my priorities in late 2022…which laid the foundation for a special and radical career change during 2023.

After winning both the Danish Risk Manager of the Year (early 2022) from DI’s Risk Management Forening | DARIM and in late 2022 the FERMA | Federation of European Risk Management Association Insurance Innovation Programme prize my life was positively “disrupted” – I was overwhelmed by the interest of the project with PRECURE (how to increase workforce health and wellbeing by lowering back pains and sick leave, also getting insurance premium reductions…) and the new of thinking about PEOPLE as a COST and a driver to create your future workplace with attractive, diversified benefits (the S in your ESG focus) in line with your overall People and D&I strategy.
This made me think, reflect and “just do it” – after 27 great years of corporate life, numerous fantastic colleagues, talks and personal development, continued deliverables of savings and risk reducing projects I had to follow my heart.

I guess no one really expected me to become my own CEO… but 1 August our company, Insurance at Heart, saw daylight, 1 September my husband and co-founder Martin entered. Brilliant partnership – and please note the 50/50 split on gender…

The above massive interest convinced me that there is an unspoken and massively un-explored savings potential for both insurers and customers to dive deeper into the cost side of business, but also a need to think broader and innovate how companies via knowing their total cost to people and sick leave, can improve their bottom line and care programs to secure a healthier and more engaged workforce. I have yet to meet that CFO, who does not like savings…… 😊 No surprise, it´s their job.

This is why Insurance at Heart was born. I understand insurance and pensions costs and I can bring anyone on top of the wider people cost and deliver savings potential. If you don’t know the total cost of your sick leave and your total cost to insurable benefits etc, you are welcome reach out – it´s so much easier than you think…

THANKS a million, to all of you embracing me with open arms, hearts, and minds to hear, which services I can offer in my specialized boutique. Your willingness to acknowledge a new way of thinking about money and people, has amazed me, but also given rise to reflections on the past 5 months with my own company. It has been a blast 😊 A special and heartfelt thanks to Zurich Integrated Benefits Wendy Liu Arnau Vila Llavina and team as well as Swiss Life Global Solutions and Michael Hansen and team for inviting me to your conference during the first very early days of Insurance at Heart. This I will never forget.

Welcome 2024 together with great partners and fantastic communities. Stay tuned.

Season greetings to all 😊

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